Steve's London 100 Kicks Count Sponsorship Page Donate Thank you for visiting my fundraising page.I’m raising money for Kicks Count because this is something that has touched us and therefore close to our hearts. Between having our two youngest boys (Frankie and Ned) we suffered the loss of identical twins and, if that weren't enough we were then unfortunate enough to experience a still birth. Those in-between times were harrowing. At times we wondered whether we should chance things again but, now, everyday we thank our lucky stars that our lovely Ned (our rainbow baby) eventually came along. The support we received from family, friends and all the maternity staff we encountered was immense. We were made aware of, and have since supported, the Kicks Count charity as a way of remembering our lost angles but never forgetting what we now have today.For the second time, I have secured a ballot place in this year's London 100 cycle ride but this time I decided I would try and raise some money for a worthwhile cause - Kicks Count.Things are changing, but there is more to be done. The latest figures released by the Office of National Statistics in July 2018 showed that 2017 had the lowest stillbirth rate since records began. Raising awareness of baby's movements IS making a difference! As a charity dedicated to reducing stillbirth and neonatal death, Kicks Count need help to continue raising awareness and to save more babies lives.It’s a great cause, and your donation will help them achieve even more. Donating is easy, quick and secure.Please share with friends and family on Facebook and Twitter – and elsewhere – so I can reach my target and together we can help Kicks Count do more. Thank you!You can read stories of how Kicks Count have made a difference here: Steven Pengelly Manage Cookie Preferences