Kicks Count Literature Order Form 86% of women we asked stated that having knowledge of baby movements made them feel more confident to speak to a midwife with concerns. We provide literature to midwives across the UK completely free of charge - every year we dispatch around 250,000 leaflets to medical professionals. Here you'll find information on the literature available to you, including a link to view/download before ordering. Tri-fold Movement Information Leaflet The information in our tri-fold mum-to-be leaflets has been written in conjunction with the Department of Health, Public Health England, Tommy’s, SANDS and representatives from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives. The leaflets now include a home doppler warning as standard. These leaflets are great for midwives and other medical professionals who are in regular contact with expectant mums and is our most popular leaflet. VIEW PDF These leaflets have been translated and redesigned in numerous languages too. You're welcome to download and print them whenever you need. VIEW INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES Ditch the Doppler Flyer These popular flyers are intended to inform expectant mums of why they should never use a home doppler if they’re concerned about their baby. The flyer is double-sided and features information on baby movements on the back. These leaflets are great for midwives and other medical professionals who would like to discourage mums from using the devices and are a great way to start a conversation about their dangers. VIEW PDF Antenatal Note Stickers These are handy stickers to write important phone numbers on, so the women in your care know where to call if they have a concern about their baby's movements. These are a good resource for midwives working within trusts that still use paper maternity notes. Awareness Poster - English (A4) These double-sided A4 posters are great addition to antenatal waiting rooms and are also useful at events. The poster features Alesha Dixon on one side, which is great for catching mums eyes and reiterating to mums that they should trust their instincts. VIEW PDF Awareness Poster - English (A3) Our single-sided A3 posters won't get lost in the poster crowd! Perfect for hospital waiting areas, they compliment the rest of our available literature perfectly. Translated Waiting Room Posters (A4) An A4 poster featuring eight languages: Polish, Romanian, Indonesian, Farsi, Albanian, Bengali, Chinese and Welsh. VIEW PDF and/or An A4 poster featuring eight alternative languages: Turkish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Slovak, Hungarian, Urdu, Somali and Russian. VIEW PDF Translated Waiting Room Poster (A3) An A3 poster featuring 16 translations: Turkish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Slovak, Hungarian, Urdu, Somali, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Indonesian, Farsi, Albanian, Bengali, Chinese and Welsh. VIEW PDF Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Stickers Pregnancy following a loss is undoubtedly an anxious time for expectant parents. Though we know that asking questions about previous pregnancies is vital for professionals to give mum and baby the best care, these stickers can be placed on antenatal notes to quickly alert professionals that mum has suffered a previous loss. There midwives are particularly useful for specialist bereavement and community midwives. Maternity Note Inserts Our Maternity Note Inserts were designed to give mums information in a place that is always accessible to well them, as well as being a useful place for medical professionals to note down details of admissions for concerns about movement. The page contains our information on baby movements and they are available to receive as a monthly order. Reduced Fetal Movement Alert Stickers The stickers work well with our Maternity Note Inserts and are designed to compliment the page. A sticker can be placed on the front of mums antenatal notes each time she visits with reduced movement. The stickers can help medical professionals spot quickly if someone is visiting frequently with concerns. PLACE YOUR ORDER FEEDBACK "We have already used quite a few of the stickers you sent, sending them out to community midwives and adding them in retrospect to notes of women being admitted or attending the DMU. They have been received with great enthusiasm - I have not known anything else to be so easy to implement!" - Karen, Royal Cornwall "I was really glad to be given a doppler leaflet by my midwife, I'd never considered that a baby could still be poorly despite having a heartbeat, although it makes perfect sense. I'll definitely be leaving it to the professionals!" - Jenny Holland Manage Cookie Preferences