The aim at Kicks Count is to raise awareness of baby’s movements in pregnancy to reduce the UK’s stillbirth and neonatal death rate. We have a number of ways to achieve this.

£1 - Provides 100 antenatal note stickers

£3 - Provides 60 Movement information leaflets

£5 - Provides 70 Maternity note inserts

£10 - Supplies 100 posters

£100 - Keeps the website up and running for 3 days

£900 - Keeps our App running for 3 months


We have successfully worked with the Department of Health, NHS, Royal College of Midwives and many other health organisation to promote consistent messaging around fetal movement. We have eliminated out of date myths (such as women should count 10 kicks in 2 hours, or babies slow down at the end of pregnancy) from official documents and the NHS leaflet and kicks count leaflets are now consistent in their message.

HOWEVER.....In a recent survey only 29% of women got most of their information from their midwife, with 49% getting the majority of their information from Google. Unfortunately there is no regulation around medical messaging on the internet and so many large scale pregnancy organisations write their own advice which is full of flaws. A brief search found extremely damaging information on “reputable” pregnancy websites. Some suggesting reduced fetal movement at the end of pregnancy was normal and to be expected.

Searches also bring up pregnancy forums where women are just exchanging information with each other with no medical knowledge at all. So much misinformation is being conveyed to women in this way and this is why it is so important that Kicks Count’s website and SEO is competitive, up to date and accurate.

The website costs £35 a day to host and maintain


The Kicks Count app is designed to help women get to know their baby's regular pattern of movement.  Unlike many other available apps, ours will notstop counting at 10.  Mum's have the option of registering to use the app. The benefit of this is that  data is stored so, should she change or lose her phone, she won't lose the data entered, but it's completely optional.

There is a graphs section that will show the baby's movements over the last 2, 7 and 14 days.  The graphs are designed to help gain an understanding of a baby's movements pattern.

The app allows women to enter the details of their midwife so they can contact them if they have any concerns.

The app also has all the up to date information and advice on baby's movements

The app costs £10 a day to operate

Midwife resources

We produce a variety of FREE resources for midwives and health professionals

  • Movement information leaflets

Our movement information leaflets have been written in conjunction with The Department of Health, Public Health England, Tommy’s, SANDS and representatives from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives.

The leaflets are available to download in a number of other langauges

We currently send 60,000 leaflets to midwives across the UK every 3 months and this number is constantly growing. .

Movement leaflets cost 5p each

  • Maternity Note inserts

Our popular Maternity Note Inserts and Reduced Fetal Movement Alert Stickers were designed to give mums information in a place that is always accessible to them, as well as being a useful place for medical professionals to note down details of admissions for concerns about movement.

The accompanying stickers were designed to complement the page and can be placed on the front of antenatal notes each time mum visits with reduced movements. This is important to highlight as women who report numerous episodes of reduced movement are more likely to have a poor perinatal outcome; the stickers can help medical professionals spot quickly that someone is having concerns frequently.

Feedback: “Thank you so much for the stickers and antenatal note pages. We are utilising with great speed and every woman booked now has the antenatal page in her handheld records. We are seeing amazing bene ts from using them, with?an increased number of women referring themselves for reduced movements. We have also made this one of our main priorities for this year” – Sarah, Royal Berkshire

“We have already used quite a few of the stickers you sent, sending them out to community midwives and adding them in retrospect to notes of women being admitted or attending the DAU. They have been received with great enthusiasm – I have not known anything else to be so easy to implement!” – Karen, Royal Cornwall

Antenatal note inserts cost 7p each

  • Home Doppler Leaflets

Our flyers warning mums of the dangers of using a home doppler for reassurance were created after we became increasingly aware of how commonly used home dopplers are. We wanted to help midwives get the message across to mums and assist in starting a conversation about the potential dangers of dopplers.

Feedback: “I was really glad to have been given a doppler lea et by my midwife, I’d never considered that a baby could still be poorly despite having a heartbeat, although it makes perfect sense. I’ll definitely leave using a doppler to the professionals!” – Jenny Holland

Home doppler leaflets cost 4p each

  • Posters

Our double sided posters are a great way to raise awareness in waiting rooms or public areas. The poster features Alesha Dixon, a supporter of our charity, which is great for catching mums eye and reiterating to mums that they should trust their instincts.

Posters cost 10p each

  • Antenatal Note Stickers

These are a handy place for mums to write the number they need to call if they’re worried about movement, so it’s easy to find. They are also a handy reminder to keep monitoring movements too!

Antenatal note stickers are 1p each

  • Previous Loss Stickers

Pregnancy following a loss is undoubtedly a terrifying time for expectant parents. Our previous stillbirth and neonatal death stickers are available for both mums and midwives to order. Though we know that asking questions about previous pregnancies is vital for professionals to give mum and baby the best care, these stickers can quickly alert both medical and clerical staff that mum has suffered a previous loss.

“I lost my son in 2010 and my subsequent pregnancy in 2012 was fraught with anxiety. At every appointment I was asked the same questions such as “is this your first child?” and I would have to explain through tears that my son had died. In 2015 I was given a sticker for my notes and it made such a difference to the way I was asked questions and treated, only necessary questions were asked and I’m so grateful” – Harriet Santos

Previous loss stickers are 3p each

  • Banners

Our banners are displayed in maternity units and have all the up to date information on baby's movement

Banners cost £80 each 

Actual costs vary depending on amount ordered, delivery costs and any offers. Figures quoted are an average cost over a year