Morgana rae Donate My niece was born sleeping at 33 weeks into the pregnancy. On a routine midwife appointment an emergency consultant appointment was required but this took 6 days to obtain. Even then it was decided not to scan although fluid retention was evident and movement was less frequent. After a day of sitting on a ward for bed rest the midwifery team tried to monitor baby but no heart beat was found. The consultant was called and family were moved to a single bed ward. Already sensing the worst the wait was unbearable. We sat there waiting to see a heart beat on the monitor but there was nothing, a precious life had been taken before we had the chance to meet her. She was born perfect but sleeping 3 days later and it turned our lives up side down. Grieving parents, siblings, grandparents. There are no words to describe the pain you suffer when losing a child. Weeks passed in a blur and post mortem results showed that fluid retention had built up and put to much pressure on heart and lungs. Our lives were filled with ifs and buts and could things have been done differently to change little Morganas' fate? Had she had a chance to survive if only we had been seen sooner? Kicks count help raise awareness not only in pregnant mothers but in their partners, supporting family members and in providing vital training and awareness for midwives nurses and doctors so this tragedy can stop happening so frequently. No baby should have reduced movements, never let anyone tell you it's ok! Get checked out once, twice or even 100 times your babies life is worth every second! If Morgana can help raise awareness and save just one life by telling her story it will make the suffering just a little bit easier to bare. Carol Evans Manage Cookie Preferences