You've reached week 25 of your pregnancy!

At 25 weeks, your baby is around 34.6cm long from head to heel. That's approximately the size of a courgette! They are becoming more and more active, responding to touch and sound with enthusiastic movements. Loud noises may cause them to jump and kick and you might be able to feel these movements from the outside!

As your baby grows, they're regularly passing urine into the amniotic fluid, a normal part of their development. Sometimes, you may even feel the rhythmic jerks of hiccups, another adorable sign of your baby's growth and wellbeing.

Now, let's talk about some common discomforts you may be experiencing. Swelling in your hands or feet is quite common during pregnancy, often due to water retention. Taking time to rest and elevating your swollen feet can help alleviate discomfort. However, it's essential to mention any swelling to your midwife or GP so they can monitor your blood pressure and rule out a condition called pre-eclampsia. This condition can cause swelling along with other symptoms such as severe headaches, vision problems and pain under the ribs.

You may be experiencing backaches as your bump grows and your body prepares for labour and birth. Fortunately, there are ways to cope with back pain during pregnancy, including gentle exercises, proper posture and using support pillows. 

As always, it's essential to stay attuned to your baby's movements during this time - their regular movement is a reassuring indicator of their wellbeing. If you notice any changes, such as a decrease in movements, call your maternity unit for guidance straight away. If you have an anterior placenta try and focus on your sides and lower down, as this is where you're more likely to feel movement.

While it may be tempting to use a home doppler to check on your baby's heartbeat, these devices are not always reliable. Trust your instincts and seek professional medical advice if you have any concerns about your baby's wellbeing. 




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